The only way the unreligious or intellectual superiors can eliminate God is by twisting the meaning of words or changing the meaning of words all together. As you can see in the article below.
"You Don’t Honestly Believe That!" by "Amy Orr-Ewing" posted on
First, the idea that there is no ultimate meaning in any text has become extremely powerful in our current postmodern context, and it has enormous implications for any communication about the Gospel.
This idea is explained further by the following story the author provides.
The reason I am not a Christian is that I am studying English Literature, and I don’t believe that there is a ‘transcendental signified’, and so I could make the Bible mean whatever I wanted it to mean.” My husband asked her to clarify and she explained that she believed that words have no actual meaning—a word on a page or a word being heard only has the meaning that a reader or a hearer gives it. It does not itself carry any ultimate meaning because there is no God (or “transcendental signified”) to give ultimate meaning to words.
My husband looked at her and said, “If that is the case—words have no meaning except the meaning of the listener or reader—is it okay with you if I take what you have just said to mean ‘I believe in Jesus and I am a Christian’?” At that moment she looked a little worried. She realized that her argument failed its own test. The standards by which she was judging the Bible were not standards her own thinking could stand up under.
I have heard it said that one of the first signs of a nations decline is its decline in vocabulary. What would really happen to learning and knowledge if nothing could be accurately communicated in words. Infact it is the intellectual superiors whom have caused this changing of words and the confusion that comes afterwards. Who owns an 1828 Noah Webster dictionary? In the cover of my new dictionary was a informative flyer that was compiled by "The Foundation for American Christian Education" the title of the cover is "Why Every American Christian Home Should Have The Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary." In this enlightening document it states
There is one dictionary available today that defines every word both in the original language and from its biblical usage--The original 1828 Noah Webster American Dictionary of the English Language. Every modern dictionary reflects the current cultural corruption's and erosion of vocabulary by godless philosophies. The 1828 Dictionary is the gold standard of language for the American Christian.
Quoting again form the above link to "You Don’t Honestly Believe That!" Amy Orr-Ewing quotes Friedrich Nietzsche:
We cannot get rid of God until we get rid of grammar.
It is through the manipulation of words and grammar that causes the degeneration of communication. Manipulation of words and grammar in the bible is caused by uninspired people whom wish to change others foundational beliefs. They manipulate the truth in these ways, then point out that there is an inconsistency in the understanding derived from the manipulated text and the pure text. So it is not so far of a stretch for them to hold to
the idea that there is no ultimate meaning in any text (which) has become extremely powerful in our current postmodern context, and it has enormous implications for any communication about the Gospel.
What is the ultimate conclusion of such philosophies?
In this way discourse and the pursuit of knowledge are written off as the pursuit of power, and this power is embodied and expressed in institutionalized languages."
"According to this view, when we read the Bible, we must be suspicious of the writers who are exercising power over us and even more suspicious of anyone who might try to help us interpret the Bible. Furthermore, any attempt at preaching from or explaining the Bible is purely a sinister attempt to gain power over another.
With this explanation how else could we see the changing of words meaning by "godless philosophies" except for their attempt to gain power over truth. And their explaining of this philosophy as a "sinister attempt to gain power over another." It is interesting how humans tend to reflect their own world view onto others and assume that ours is the same. Propionates of "godless philosophies" claim "the Bible is purely a sinister attempt to gain power over" others, because that is how they use their intellectual superiority. Read this my next blog and see if you can see who is trying to gain power over others.
1 comment:
Very well written. Kudos. I experienced the same kind of thing in college. I had students digesting literary criticism and applying it to the Bible and to life itself. This postmodern idea regarding the ambiguity of language was a constant undercurrent in all of my college classes. I had a introduction to history professor that started class with the statement "there is no truth" and "no facts". I immediately wondered how a foundation of no truth was going to lend itself to the discipline of historical study. Later that semester she was beside herself because the students were trying to justify plagiarism to her while she maintained it to be a moral wrong. She could not believe their responses to the contrary. She hadn't a standard left to appeal to. I sat in quiet reflection as the whole debate played out. She could not have it both ways.
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